Wednesday, April 29, 2009


We may be witnessing a major evidence of climate change at the moment. Here in the tropics, we usually are this time of the year in the early-middle part of summer. Yet, since last week, it has been raining hard and eventually we now have low pressure areas (not just one but three) developing in different parts of the country. This ushers in the start of the monsoon season, which should have not been the case until the start of June. It may also be noted that the cold season have lasted until almost the end of February this year.

Leaders all over the world have recognized these facts and laid out measures to at least alleviate the possible consequences. We ourselves should brace for the worst as it is just beginning. If ever, we are having this year the shortest ever summer.

As scientists have predicted, once the shortening of warmer days begins, what surely will follow will be the beginning of the new ice age. The massive melting of our ice caps and glaciers cools the oceans and disrupts the natural cycle of atmospheric activities, which causes our weather. This phenomenon have been well demonstrated by the shifting ocean currents the past few years, which has caused some concern about some animals being displaced, and inevitably this will have cascading effects to every living thing in this planet. This oceanic currents are partly responsible for the distribution of heat throughout the planet; and as the oceans gets colder in time these currents will then stop and the planet will grow colder.

I am not being a doomsayer or anything, I am merely speaking based from facts. We all have something to fear, and this one is my biggest as it will affect every single person I know and those I love as well.

It's that or maybe only because my brother is coming home to Bicol for vacation, which almost always is hounded by stormy weather when he's there.

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